Backpack Rent in Amsterdam - where from can I rent a Backpack in Amsterdam?
I will go camping in Belgium in 2 weeks and I need a backpack. I heard you can rent them from somewhere. Anyone knows a shop like that somewhere in Amsterdam?You could consider buying one second hand as this could work out cheaper than buying new or bringing one with you
This is a good site for buying second hand items and with the help of google translate I think you could probably manage to get around
To find a backpack fro around Amsterdam then do the following:
- type ‘rugzak’ in the first field
- tick the box underneath ‘Zoek in titel en beschrijving’ (look in header & body)
Then in the postcode field pick a postcode in central A’dam (e.g. 1012AB) and choose within what distance you want to search (I picked 5km and got 73 results)
Then you get offers from people selling and you can normally click the Email button and Email them for question and place bids.
Hopefully someone else can help with places that rent them. I did quickly google it in Dutch but couldn’t find anywhere in Amsterdam doing this.